
Assignment 9 Shawshank Redemption "Brooks Was Here"

Please answer ANY ONE of the following questions.

1. Pretend you are Brooks. Tell your friends about your life in jail.

2. Pretend you are Brooks. Tell your friends about your life  after you become a "free man".

3. Why did Brooks commit suicide?

4. How can the government or the society help people like Brooks?

5. Do you have anything that you want to tell Brooks? Write a letter to Brooks.



  1. 本週請同學到Assignment 9回答問題。
  2. 並請同學讀Sense and Sensibility 的chapter 4,下次上課時將針對該內容進行檢核。 
  3. 部落格網址未給老師的同學請把部落格網址以留言方式給老師。謝謝!



1. 請同學在自己的部落格中寫一篇關於電影的文章。可以是最喜歡的演員,女星,配樂等等。或研究一下介紹史上有名的得獎電影。下週二09/23前要有至少3篇文章在你的個人部落格中。請同學到設定的地方將顯示字詞驗證 設定為否。

2.在老師的 部落格中回答Assignment 5或是Assignment 6 的問題。可以挑一篇回答,或兩篇都回答。 

3. 打字時,英文標點前不空格,標點後空一格。兩個句子之間要有連接詞。




本週作業請回答Assignment 7 & 8. 並請在你的個人部落格中增加至少一篇文章。文章內容要與英美電影或是Sense & Sensibility小說有關。例如,可以寫有關自己最喜愛的電影明星或是對小說中人物的看法。文章中除了有影片或圖片還要有文字至少50字。每位同學至今要有2篇文章在部落格中。

Assignment 8 Elinor or Marianne?

In Sense and Sensibility, the two sisters Elinor and Marianne are quite different. Please use the structure below to describe them.

Elinor is like ... because she .... 
Marianne is like ...because she.... 
I like ... better because .... 
(Or I like both of them because....)

Assignment 7 Shawshank Redemption Tagline

There is always a tagline in a movie trailer. A tagline tells the audience what this movie is about. A tagline helps explain the theme of a movie. For example, the tagline for Shawshank Redemption is " Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free." 

What's your opinion about this tagline? (At least 30 words.)


Assignment 6 Brandon or Willoughby

Both Colonel Brandon and John Willoughby are attracted to Marianne. Who do you think is true to Marianne? Both of them? Or only one of them? Pretend you are Marianne's big brother and you are writing a letter to Marianne.  Tell Marianne your advice.